Conventions analysis
LIIAR analysis
Ideology: Q magazines ideology is to show established artists rather then new artists
Institution: The publisher of Q magazine is Bauer Media Group which is a large European based media company in Hamburg. They manage over 600 magazines, over 400 digital products and 50 radio and TV stations around the world. Some other magazines they publish are Grazia, Kerrang, Closer, FHM and many more. They also have channels on TV like 4music, Heat, Kiss, Smashhits along with radio channels like Absolute Radio, Magic, Kiss, Viking, Wave. This shows that the company serves a wide audience and that Q is just one part of that.
Audience: The audience of Q varies from different ages and genders. A majority of readers are men with a statistic of 66.2%. Along with this, it shows that 83.8% are between the ages of 15-44. This shows Q is has a wide audience and therefore caters for them all by featuring iconic artists like Liam Gallagher, John Lennon, Lady Gaga and so on.
Representation: Liam Gallagher represents the group Beady Eye in this front cover, however the rest of the band is still shown through Gallagher's glasses. His clothes represent the type of music he produces as they are from the 90's and his genre of music is indie.